The Chicago Yoga Center since 1984

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Chicago Yoga Center

Hatha, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin since 1984
847. 866. 6812
Evanston, Illinois

"Infinity has no beginning, no end and no middle. A thing that has a beginning must have a middle and an end also. Such a thing becomes limited and finite. Infinity is All-pervading, Self-existence. It is the Ocean of Consciousness by Itself. There can be only one Infinity. If there are two, one will limit the other and thus both will become infinite. Infinity is the Ultimate Truth, but various names are being given to It like Brahman, The Absolute, God, The Supreme Force, The Supreme Power, etc. Names differ but Infinity is one and the same."

--Swami Narayanananda, Himalayas, 1979

Swami Narayanananda (1902-1988) is the author
of 36 authoritative books on Yoga and spiritual psychology.

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